Image gallery with fancy transitions effects

I was looking all over the Internet for some jQuery gallery plugin with some interesting transition effects. I found a lot of great plugins but they all have pretty same transition effects. Mostly that was fading and sliding effects. I wanted something different so I decide to made my own slideshow gallery plugin for jQuery. That’s how was born jqFancyTransitions.


My main idea was to build some ‘strip curtain’ effect and I start from that. But, while I was building this some other effects just pop up and I decided to adjust code and include some of those effects. Now, there are ‘wave’, ‘zipper’ and ‘curtain’ effect, plus options that can be used for custom effect. You can see how it works on examples and documentations page.

At the beggining you will need to download jQuery and jqFancyTransitions and include them on your page similar like this :

<script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/jqFancyTransitions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

After that you will need some placeholder with some images for your slideshow. Text from alt tag will be used in title bar in your slideshow.

<div id='slideshowHolder'>
   <img src='img1.jpg' alt='img1' />
   <img src='img2.jpg' alt='img2' />
   <img src='img3.jpg' alt='img3' />

When you set everything time is to call jqFancyTransition and tell him where to do his job. You will probably need to set width and height for your gallery. That can be done with next code:

$(document).ready( function(){
    $('#slideshowHolder').jqFancyTransitions({ width: 400, height: 300 });

The code above is enough to made your fancy transitions gallery 400px wide and 300px high. If you want you can change transition effect with one of predefined values:

  • wave
  • zipper
  • curtain

Of course, you can made custom effect with set of options that you can use to set speed, number of strips, direction, type of effect, etc. Bellow is list of all parameters and their values that you can use.

effect: '', // wave, zipper, curtain
width: 500, // width of panel
height: 332, // height of panel
strips: 20, // number of strips
delay: 5000, // delay between images in ms
stripDelay: 50, // delay beetwen strips in ms
titleOpacity: 0.7, // opacity of title
titleSpeed: 1000, // speed of title appereance in ms
position: 'alternate', // top, bottom, alternate, curtain
direction: 'fountainAlternate', // left, right, alternate, random, fountain, fountainAlternate
navigation: false, // prev and next navigation buttons
links: false // show images as links

You can try to change those options and see what kind of effect you will get. Basically, you can change position and direction parameters and you will see variety of jqFancyTransitions effects. Also you can check examples and documentation page where you can see few examples with photos made by my friends Goran Jovanovic, Igor Srdanovic, Ivan Jekic and Marko Manojlovic who is also design layout for that page.


Since 1.7 version images can be urls. All you have to do is to add url below images. Similar to this:

<div id='slideshowHolder'>
   <img src='img1.jpg' alt='img1' />
   <a href =''/></a>
   <img src='img2.jpg' alt='img2' />
   <a href =''></a>
   <img src='img3.jpg' alt='img3' />
   <a href =''></a>

After that just add links: true in call.


– 1.5

– 1.7
images can be urls

– 1.8
class for active navigation number ( ft-button-IDOFHOLDER-active )
description bar is not part of ‘navigation’ option

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1,034 comments on "Image gallery with fancy transitions effects"

Hi Ivan,
Nice Works!!
But when mouse is brought on the top of animation box, the animation effects stop, is this something by design?


Nil on September 2, 2010 at 6:33 pm

hi ivan, i have a problem with your script, i want to put it into an iframe, and into this, i want to put my images as URLS, but the links doesnt open in another window, these open in the same iframe, i tried to activate the _blank target in the HTML, but it doesnt work, what can i do with this? can u help me?

techmetro on September 2, 2010 at 11:51 am

I didn’t have a chance to test on iPhone/iPad. I’m glad that works : )

This plugin will not change size of your images. You can set only size of holder.

Lazarevic Ivan on September 2, 2010 at 10:47 am

Good Work Ivan !!
your plugin proved very useful for me. but i experienced an issue. Well, i put images [‘high Quality’] in the div. everything is working fine: navigation , links, rotation… but size of the displayed images is not right. like the size of my image is 1600 x 1200, as i kept the gallery size 1024 x 786. And images are partially shown in gallery div. as aspect ratio is set.
Got my point ???

Need you suggestions
ThanX once again

Fawaz on September 2, 2010 at 5:42 am

I was wondering is it possible and how to have the prev & next show on hover instead of being displayed all the time.

Jimmy on August 27, 2010 at 4:02 pm

I correct myself, added links:true. Links now working on iOS!

Nick on August 26, 2010 at 3:37 pm

Awesome work. Using as an alternative to Flash banners on mobile devices.

One note, the image links do not work on the iPhone/iPad.

Nick on August 26, 2010 at 3:35 pm

Oh, and I’m also having the same issue as Daniel from above.
When the “next” or “previous” buttons are pressed during a transition, the images end up combining.

You can sort of see it on the demo page with the top gallery. It gets kind of buggy, but it doesn’t stick in the way Daniel’s and mine do. It’s almost like it corrects itself?

John on August 26, 2010 at 2:40 am

here is the site….but its not working ( these are temp images…) help please….

Mary Vaughn on August 25, 2010 at 10:09 pm

ok I would like to know what to name the div….I can’t get this to work..I copied the “view source” exactly and I followed the directions but still can’t get it to work. can you send me the info I would need to download…there is a lot of choices which is confusing for a beginner like me…thanks

Mary Vaughn on August 25, 2010 at 9:52 pm

This works great! I love how simple it is!

Is there a way to turn off the automatic transitions? I would like it to not transition at all unless the user clicks on either “prev” or “next”.


John on August 25, 2010 at 3:29 pm

Thanks for sharing it.

Awesome plugin. Far Far better than Flash.
Thanks once again mate! cheers!

Chintan Kotadia on August 25, 2010 at 1:23 pm

Hi Ivan,

In Chome or FireFox, It is working well.
In IE 6, i found that when the transition doing, the page is freshing continually, i can see it because the mouse icon shows running.

What’s the problem? the script will be perfect if the refreshing problem could be fixed,


Chen Li on August 24, 2010 at 6:25 am

Hi! great plug-in by the way. However my gallery overlaps my category menus when you hover over them. (e.g. mens,womens,kids…). Is there some code use to have my menu overlap the gallery? Thanks!

Marqui Mendez on August 21, 2010 at 3:59 pm


I have added a heading to the first screen using: (around line 65)

// create title bar

I added a heading arry previous to this:

var heading = new Array;
heading[] = new Array(); // heading array
heading[][i] = $(item).attr(‘title’) ? $(item).attr(‘title’) : ”;

The problem is that it only works for the first image, not any others. Any ideas?


Mark O'Leary on August 21, 2010 at 7:26 am


You need latest version of jqFancyTransitions.

@esmaralda, @Hank Allen
I didn’t try that, but I assume that it can be done with CSS.

It works now and looks nice on you site.

Putting cursor on image will stop transitions.

I’m not sure that I understand your questions.

No, this plugin don’t have that feature.

Lazarevic Ivan on August 14, 2010 at 4:23 am

Is there any way to keep the transitions from repeating? I want to have it transition through all the slides and then end on the last one.

Randy on August 13, 2010 at 12:40 pm

Script is awesome, How do I disable the slide link but keep the prev and next available? Also is it possible to do a hover the prev and next area for them to display?

Jimmy on August 11, 2010 at 12:30 pm

loving this! one question, is there any way to stop the fancy transistions?
thanks & keep up the good work!

wouter on August 11, 2010 at 5:14 am

Hi there,

Thanks for your great work. I had your plugin successfully installed using .png files, but since I have switched the files to .jpgs the plugin has crashed and the images simply appear one on top the other. I have tried looking at the previous comments, but nothing stands out.

Here is a sample page:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



lilly on August 9, 2010 at 9:55 am

Is there any way constrain the navigation numbers at the bottom of the window. If I have a large number images the numbers run outside the div. Any help with would be greatly appreciated since I really like your plug-in.

Hank Allen on August 6, 2010 at 3:48 pm

Great plugin, this is exactly what I needed and it took me only 5 minutes to get it to work. Thanks!

EA on August 6, 2010 at 12:39 pm

Is there a way to get the 1 2 3 4 in the middle of the image? ( at the bottom of course) when i play with the left: ; and so on… it works but on a other browser it just move.. :S

I hope you understand my question..

thnx alot

esmaralda on August 5, 2010 at 3:20 am

Hi Ivan,

This is a great script and I like very much. Thank you for sharing.

I have a question though.

I have tried to set navigation: true on my site ( but still I cannot the prev and next button on the left and right hand side of the photo. Also, how can I make the page number visible under the photo?

Appreciate your enlightenment.

Thank you.

KP on July 28, 2010 at 10:21 am

Hey! I got it 🙂

Was a problem with the “ready function”
The whole call to the facnyT is something like that:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(‘#slidenews’).jqFancyTransitions({width: 580, height: 160 });

maybe in the documentation should be appears inside the ready function, for the novices codeworkers like me hahahah…kisses guys!

sabrina on July 28, 2010 at 3:35 am

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