Coin Slider 4 WordPress

Coin Slider 4 WP will show your featured posts as image slider and rotate them using unique effects provided by jQuery’s Coin Slider.


Implementation is very easy, after you download and activate this plugin, just paste one line of code in your template and Coin Slider 4 WP is ready to use.

Follow next steps to set this plugin:

1. Upload coin-slider-4-wp folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Put <?php include (ABSPATH . ‘/wp-content/plugins/coin-slider-4-wp/coinslider.php’); ?> in your template
4. For each post that you want to be featured you must have custom field (csImage by default) with full url to image and optionaly field (csText by default) with text for title bar.

On options page you can change default parameters:

Width: in pixels, 565 by default
in pixels, 290 by default
Number of Squares per Width:
Coin Slider use square based animations.  7 by default
Number of Squares per Height: 5 by default
Be careful, if you set large number of squares animation may not be smooth
Slide Display Duration: in miliseconds, 5000 by default
Slide Transition Effects: there are three types: random, swirl and rain. All of those effect you can see here
Hide Navigation
: check this if you don’t need prev/next buttons and navigation squares below slider
Image field:
set custom field for image that should be used in gallery. By default you can use csImage field, but if you want you can change that. This is useful if you already use some gallery plugin and you want to change to  Coin Slider 4 WP
Text Field: this field is optional. Content for this field will be displayed in gallery title bar bellow title. By default name of this field is csText but you can change if you want to use some other field

If you prefer Joomla instead WordPress you should try Coin Slider for Joomla created by Daniel Pardons.

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237 comments on "Coin Slider 4 WordPress"

Very Nice Plugin.. Thank You Very Much Admin.

Sesli Panel on April 27, 2011 at 12:14 pm

@Nate Brouse
Sure, you can send me suggestions and fixes and I’ll update plugin.

I’m not familiar with wp-davinci theme, so I can’t help you.

Lazarevic Ivan on April 24, 2011 at 5:24 am

Okay this is bizzare, Im trying to set up this pluging under wp-davinci theme, i turned the davinci featured posts and vids and pics off and I installed this plugin, but here is the thing, no matter what post I try to open it automatically redirects me to WP-davinci featured content, WHICH IS OFF!!! and I cant acutally open any post. i tried similar plugins and all the same. im no good at php and all that, anyone outhere can help me out please?

lvsacggmls on April 17, 2011 at 8:00 pm

I would like to start off by saying awesome plugin, I have used it on many sites and plan to continue using it. However, do you take suggestions and fixes for this plugin? I have found a problem with the plugin that i update everytime I use it. As well as a suggestion that I do each time as well.

Nate Brouse on March 25, 2011 at 8:21 pm

Thanks Admin Very Nice…

Alabora on March 24, 2011 at 3:46 am

That’s only few lines of CSS, I’m not sure how that can significantly slows the overall loading.

You should have only one jQuery instance on your page, or try with jQuery.noConflict

Maybe you have space in name of that image.

There are some other plugins with effect that you need, this one can’t do that

Lazarevic Ivan on March 16, 2011 at 5:43 pm

Hey Ivan,

Great Plugin. Works seamlessly with my site.

However I was trying to make it much simple and elegant by just adding the shift from right to left effect (Slide).

Can you show me how to do that please or update the plugin adding simple slide option (other than rain swirl and random).

Humble Regards,

Prince on February 22, 2011 at 2:48 pm

Hi – the slider works well in Firefox 3.6, but in IE8 the final image does not load. The text on top changes to what the final slide says but the image stays from the prior slide, so it is advancing the slider but just not displaying that final image. After the final slide, the slider re-loads the first image properly. It’s just affecting that last image, and only in IE. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Brandy on February 9, 2011 at 12:22 pm

my site used coin slider. Working well but problem is on the front page when IE7or IE8 is used. Javascript raise error object doesn`t support this method. Other script has collision with coin call. Have you any one the same problem?
Thank you for answer.

Anthony on February 5, 2011 at 1:42 am

I’ve got the plugin working on my website, it’s great! I just have one question: I want the coin-slider-4-wp.css.php file only to load on the specific category ‘page’ I’m using Coin Slider on. It loads on all pages and categories, and significantly slows the overall loading. Is there a way to block it from loading on unwanted pages?
Thank you!

Boris on February 4, 2011 at 6:04 am

Короче ясно.
Было западло сделать ресайз нормально, да?

Satan on January 27, 2011 at 8:22 am

Great job!
But how can I automatically resize images???

bakayara on January 25, 2011 at 10:52 am


Lucas on January 25, 2011 at 7:25 am

I’m using this plugin on a client’s site, and I’ve done some customizations. However, I’m now getting script errors, even when I revert to the original files. I’d like to hire you to figure out what I’ve screwed up. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thanks!

Ginny on January 23, 2011 at 8:03 pm

hi! this article was very interesting and funny for me. But it was difficult to find it with yahoo. Maybe you should improve it with seo wordpress plugins for wordpress like headspace2. Just a tip 😉 (=

Kip Nogle on January 20, 2011 at 11:26 am

Is there anyway I can incorporate the excerpt box so display some more text? And also add an icon for comments with the amount of comments into the text box?

Here is what I have done with the plugin so far:

And this is what I’m trying to achieve:

Dave on January 19, 2011 at 7:12 am

i am also having problems with the ‘Number of Posts’ being displayed on the slider. i would love to have 5, but i can not get more than 3 posts to show up in the slide-show if i use the default or set the # to 5 in the back-end. i have tried to edit the ‘coinslider.php’ as suggested above, but i can’t get it to work. HELP! the rest of this plugin works GREAT! let me know….Double Down

Double Down on January 14, 2011 at 5:52 pm

Thanks Ændrew,
I too had the same problems, now I have solved with your suggestion on wp_enqueue_script incompatibility with other plugins.

Salvatore Tedesco on January 12, 2011 at 3:57 am


I’m running WP3.0.4 on my very jQuery-heavy website. I tried running your plugin, but it broke all my other jQuery scripts when activated. I think this is because you unnecessarily include jQuery 1.4.2 a second time — if I edit your plugin’s code and remove that second declaration, everything suddenly works.

jQuery is included by default with the latest editions of WordPress so there’s no real need to include it a second time — or if you are, use the “enqueue_script” function (included since WP2.6) so it gets loaded safely. Please see:

Another option if you’re aiming for even further backwards compatibility would be to have jQuery not included by default (As it should be assumed people are running the latest WP), with an checkbox in the admin configuration page with a label like “Legacy: Include jQuery (Try checking if you’re having problems getting to display)”.

But that said, serious, use wp_enqueue_script();.

Hoping this is at all helping,

Ændrew on January 9, 2011 at 9:31 pm

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